Why Game Prototyping Matters

Game design prototyping is an important component in the development process. It helps to check in advance whether the video game idea can be put into practice before investing too much money and time in the project. At the same time, the prototype is made quite quickly and allows you to answer a large number of questions.

  • Checking the Viability of an Idea

    Determine how interesting and exciting your game idea is and find all the pros and cons of your concept before proceeding to full-cycle development.

  • Testing Game Mechanics

    Fast game prototyping is used to find ways to change, adapt, or update certain game mechanics and make them more fun, immersive, and addictive.

  • Generating New Concepts

    Video game prototyping is often used not only to test existing solutions, but also to generate new ideas and safely experiment to find non-standard combinations.

  • Understanding The Key Isuues

    With a ready prototype, you can see the causes of problems and think about ways to solve them, as well as track the impact of new changes on the result.

Our Fundamental Benefits in Game Prototyping

Kevuru Games has created a ton of concepts and prototypes for different platforms, so we know exactly how to do it efficiently.

Quick Facts About Us

We focus on providing game prototyping services to provide an impeccable gaming experience. Our game experts have a wealth of experience that allows us to help global game studios with their game projects.

Game Artists and
Years Of Experience
Years Average

Our Models of Cooperation

  • # Fixed Price

    We provide our outsourcing services at a fixed price, previously agreed and approved with the client and based on a detailed description of the project.

  • # Time and Material

    Under the T&M model, work is carried out in short stages with payment for a specific time. It is suitable for long-term projects with changing requirements.

  • # Dedicated Team

    A dedicated offshore team is offered as an extension of your own infrastructure with full support and access to all necessary resources and facilities.



What is game prototyping?

Game prototyping is the creation of a demo version with basic functionality and gameplay. It helps to test the viability of a video game in practice without wasting a lot of money and time. Game prototyping services help to choose the optimal mechanics and make it as fun for the players as possible.

How much does it cost to prototype a game?

On average, the cost of video game prototyping ranges from $ 500-3000 depending on the complexity of the prototype.

How long does it take to build blockchain?

Game prototyping is implemented quite quickly due to the fact that the prototype includes only basic functionality designed to test the mechanics, identify problems, and lead to a solution. A simple prototype can be ready within a week, a more complex one can take about a month.

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